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SAE Auckland Announcements


SAE Auckland academic year postponed until Monday 20 FebRUARY


14 February 2023

Kia ora koutou,

SAE Auckland academic year postponed until Monday 20 Feb

Today, New Zealand has been placed under a National State of Emergency.

The State of Emergency has been declared as a result of the devastation caused by Cyclone Gabrielle in the past 2 days. There is widespread power outages, flooding, slips and damage to properties across much of the North Island.

SAE Auckland had initially hoped to open tomorrow and commence our classes and orientation. However, we are aware that there are staff and students who have been directly affected by Cyclone Gabrielle, with some outside of Auckland unable to get to campus and others who have suffered flooding in their homes. Public transport in and around Auckland city is also uncertain and internet/cell coverage is patchy in places. People need time to repair damaged homes and assist family and friends who have been impacted.

Mentally, I’m also very aware that many of you are stressed and exhausted from the events of the past 2 days.

With your health and safety at the forefront of my mind, I’m therefore postponing the start of our academic year by another few days, until next Monday 20 February. All classes and orientation will now commence on Monday 20 February.

The ‘lost week’ will be made up later in the year.

I’m aware this is short notice, but I’m sure you can appreciate the unprecedented situation we find ourselves.

I encourage you to continue to stay safe and have an evacuation plan in place if needed. Look after yourself and each other in these next few days. I look forward to seeing you all at SAE next Monday, when we can start the academic year afresh and safely.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly on [email protected]

Noho ora mai,


Dr Suzette Major
Campus Director, SAE Auckland

In the case of an emergency OR if you have any questions please contact Campus Director
Dr Suzette Major on [email protected] or 027 669 3119.